Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Angel's Rest

We've known this day would come, we knew it from the start

And now we sit together, me with a heavy heart

I know it is time to release you from your pain

There's nothing left to do; nothing left to gain.

As I look into your eyes; I feel the pain, I see

I know you have been holding on just because of me

You are my best friend and I don't want to let you go

But loving you as I do, I can't see you suffer so.

So as I hold you here, I just wanted you to know

Today I loved you most of all. Today I let you go.

-author unknown

Angel's Rest is a place on the property where the animals that have passed on have been buried. It is such a solemn place, that you can't help but reflect on all the animals that have entered your life, both living and not. If you've ever watched Dogtown, they've shown some of the ceremonies, but you can also have your pet buried there, as well. It's common to see people leave marbles at the simple gravestones. Also, when people visit, they leave things, like their pet's collars, ashes, or other things that are significant. There are also huge windchime 'trees' that make a magical sound, especially being in the canyon.

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